Marine Mammal Species
The Gulf of Maine hosts a rich biodiversity of marine mammals and sea turtles. Whales, dolphins, porpoise, seals and sea turtles all call our region home, or visit seasonally. You can learn more about these species using the search feature of the NOAA Species Directory.
Marine Mammals of Maine responds to all strandings, some more common than others, and also collects reports of healthy marine mammals and sea turtles in our response region. This helps us to better understand human interactions and species diversity outside of stranding reports. If you've seen healthy marine mammals or sea turtles in your travels throughout Maine's coastal environment you can use this form to let us know about them. It is imperative that you call the hotline immediately if you encounter a deceased or stranded animal to ensure we can properly assess and respond to the situation. The healthy report form is not monitored 24/7 and should only be used to report healthy animals.

Given the rare nature of some of the strandings detailed in this video we sought to preserve specimens for future learning opportunities.
Some of these specimens will become part of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s collection, while others will remain with MMOME.